Linetec People to Know: Dale Burford

Burford-webQ:  Tell me about your job
A:  I’m a Senior Technical Engineer. My job entails working on processes to make improvements, troubleshooting problems that occur during production, and acting as a backup to our Environmental Compliance Engineer, Dave Linden.
I also talk and visit with customers and help them with issues they might be having in their processes or in the field.
Q: What did you do prior to Linetec?
A: Prior to Linetec I worked as an engineering supervisor at a water treatment chemical manufacturer in East St. Louis, Illinois. I managed a plant of 25 people and we manufactured water treatment chemicals in bulk and filled railcars and bulk trucks.  We serviced many Midwestern municipalities and large factories so that they could treat their waste water as well as drinking water for large cities.
Burford2-webQ: What is your favorite part of your job?
A:  I have always loved working with people. I enjoy working on teams to tackle problems. I’ve found the work ethic in Northern Wisconsin to be second to none.  Some of the people here inspire me with the commitment they have to their work-a great sense of pride in most everybody.
I love the sense of humor I’ve found in the people from Northern Wisconsin….something in the water up here?
Q: What poses the biggest challenges for you?
A:  Winter
Understanding the thick Northern Wisconsin accents….just kidding
As I sit here trying to think of an answer……only winter comes to mind!!!!!
I need to pick up a winter sport instead of binge watching Game of Thrones again.
Q: What is the biggest change you’ve seen over the years of doing your job?
A:  The growth for sure. I’ll have been here for 15 years in January and I’m still in awe of the size of the facility now…it’s awesome. Another thing is that I used to know most people, now I see new faces, and people, all the time. That’s a good thing…I was getting tired of all the old faces 🙂   For example, Denny Helgeson, in Paint Applications, celebrated 39 years  with Linetec a few weeks ago. I was telling some people in QA and one fellow said, “Wow, I wasn’t even born when he started here!”  I told Denny and we bold had a good laugh….
Burford3-webQ:  What is something you are looking forward to?
A:  Summer. Cooking out. Swimming. Site seeing. One of the reasons my wife and I love it up here is it’s so beautiful. Wausau is a beautiful city.
Q: What is something people don’t know about you?  
A:  I’ve played guitar most of my life. I was in a band for many years in Milwaukee. You might say I’m a Rock Star.
Dale is also our resident Sumo Wrestler referee.