Linetec People to Know: Scott Spaid

Scott-Spaid-(2-web)Q: Tell me about your job
A: I represent Linetec as the Northeast Sales Manager. I travel up and down the East Coast looking for new finishing opportunities, as well as servicing existing accounts.
Q: What did you do prior to Linetec?
A: I have always been a salesman. Prior to selling exclusively for Linetec, I represented a company that produced commercial skylights and residential solariums. Before that, I represented an aluminum composite material (ACM) manufacturer.
Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
A: I enjoy bringing on a new customer. Our sales cycle is very long so it is very rewarding when a prospect turns into a customer. I also enjoy the interactions with so many different people from so many different backgrounds.
Scott-Spaid-(1-web)Q: What poses the biggest challenges for you?
A: Traffic. Getting around the populated East Coast is a real challenge; a typical two-hour drive can easily turn into a four-hour event.
Q: Are there any finishing type or color trends that you seeing more of lately?
A: I am seeing more and more bright whites, plus mica-flake “metallic” finishes.
Scott-Spaid-(3)Q: What is something you are looking forward to?
A: .I am looking forward to improving my golf swing with lessons, which were a birthday present from my wife.
Q: What is something people don’t know about you?
A: I have camped in every state but six,  plus six Canadian provinces, on a nine-month cross-country trip with my brother.