Efficient Plant magazine highlights Linetec’s reliability

1711profile018p-webFeatured as the “plant profile” in Efficient Plant magazine’s November issue, Linetec is proud to have its successful efforts showcased.
“Weekly planned maintenance and continuous improvement drive reliability for a finishing company that works on an extraordinarily tight schedule,” the article begins. It continues for four pages, highlighting Linetec and its:

  • Reliable production
  • Paint and anodize services
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Efficient scheduling
  • Apprenticeship program

Helping tell the story, two key Linetec associates share their expertise and insights.

  • Andy Joswiak, vice president of engineering and technical services, emphasized, “Reliability and on-time delivery is tantamount in our business.”
  • Todd Andreshak, maintenance manager, agreed and added, “For me, the reliability lies with my people. It is the whole group.”

Thinking of the evolution that he’s seen at Linetec, Andreshak also noted, “Our facility looks nothing like it did 30 years ago. We try to stay on the cutting edge. We find ways to get creative… to think outside of the box.”
Click here to read the online article.
To learn more about how Linetec’s reliability can support your next project, please contact us for personalized service