Linetec People to Know: Tom Harenda

Tom-motorcycle-webQ:  Tell me about your job
A: I am the Transportation Manager at Linetec. I started out in the Packaging department back in 1991 and transferred to the Shipping department shortly after that. I worked the dock loading trucks and also was the Shipping Clerk prior to becoming the Transportation Manager. My current responsibilities include oversight of our Linetec fleet/trucks, coordinating the trucking for numerous customers and supervising the 1st shift Shipping department. Being at the “back-end” of the process is not easy, as we’re challenged to get things out the door almost daily, especially with the increase in volume we’ve experienced the past few years.
Q: What did you do prior to Linetec?
A: Prior to Linetec, for several years I installed material handling equipment (conveyor and overhead rail systems, storage racks, etc.) I got tired of the travel and living out of a suitcase, so I sought out other employment.
Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
A:   Having a sense of accomplishment when my team and I are able to assist sales or a customer. Typically that entails securing trucking on short notice, or expediting a “hot” shipment to meet their schedule. It’s critical to have a network of carriers/contacts to satisfy those types of requests, and it’s not very often that we’re unable to meet a specific demand. Building and surrounding myself with a strong team has been a necessity and I take pride in the team that we’ve built.
Q: What poses the biggest challenges for you?
A:  Without a doubt – our growth… We’ve been extremely busy lately. As I mentioned earlier, being the last step in the process continually puts us in a position where we have to perform, without exception. We strive to be as accurate as possible, knowing that any mistakes we make can delay our customers’ already tight production timeframes.
Q: What is the biggest change you’ve seen over the years of doing your job?
A:   Once again – our growth… When I took over our transportation, we had two trucks and a “partner carrier” to accommodate the routes that we ran. Today, we have seven of our own over-the-road OTR trucks and drivers, and two “partner carriers.” We currently serve around30 states and over 75 customers. Transportation has proven to be a great asset sales tool for Linetec customers. My team and I are proud to be a part of a service that has continually grown and provided additional finishing opportunities for Linetec.
Tom-golf-outing-webQ:  What is something you are looking forward to?
A:  I’m looking forward to the remainder of the summer, and hopefully DRY weather… It’s been an extremely wet spring/early summer and it’s hampered my ability to get outside and do some of the things I like to do, specifically riding my motorcycle.
Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
A:  Most people I work with know that I ride my motorcycle as often as possible. I’ve put on over 180,000 miles in the past 10 years. I have taken several long distance rides, going to Yellowstone, the Tetons, the Black Hills, the Ozarks and Colorado, but the majority of those miles have been in Wisconsin. There are plenty of great roads here to seek out, especially in the southwest portion of the state.
I also enjoy live music. Often, my motorcycle rides entail riding to a specific destination to watch a band. I’ve seen countless famous, big name rock bands, but I prefer finding new, local bands playing at the local pub.
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, is my new favorite hot spot for music. There are several good bands that call Sturgeon Bay and Door County their home. In the summer, there are numerous venues to choose from that host live music. It’s also beautiful there. I find it very relaxing and hope to retire there someday.