Guide Specification for High-Performance Architectural Coatings

A new guide specification for factory-applied PVDF (Kynar®) and anodize finishes, Section 05 0513 Shop Applied Coatings for Metal, is available for download in 3-part CSI MasterFormat, from Linetec’s online Architect Resource Center.

Product finishing has always been a part of a project guide specification, but merely as a short description of the desired coating.  This guide specification not only ensures that the desired finish is specified, but also that the finish is applied with the best practices and technologies to guarantee the most durable, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly finish for your project.

Formatted in Word and Word Perfect to be easily incorporated in your firm’s master specification and used as a basis for developing project specifications, this written guide specification delivers complete and concise aluminum finishing information.

The three parts of Linetec’s new guide specification are:

  • Part 1 – General – references for industry-specific standards; submittals to minimize liability; quality assurance including instructions for proper delivery, storage and handling; and warranties
  • Part 2 – Products – acceptable applicators and shop-applied finishes
  • Part 3 – Execution – adjusting for touch-up, cleaning after installation, and developing a schedule for shop-applied finishes

Download 05 0513 Shop-Applied Coatings for Metal guide specification in Word or Word Perfect from Linetec’s Architectural Resource Center.

This non-proprietary guide specification offers specifiable differences and best practices ensuring long-life and durability for your architectural projects.